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Complaints Procedure


We are proud of our long heritage and tradition of providing outstanding client care and we work very hard to ensure we meet our clients’ expectations on all occasions. Where problems do occur we always try to find the swiftest way to resolve them in a cooperative manner. If you wish to make a complaint about a product or service which we have delivered or the way in which it was delivered please follow our complaints procedure below


Clients Complaints Procedure



Stage 1

Phone us on 0808 188 9018 and one of our client care team will record the nature of your complaint and delivery note/invoice number if applicable. Your complaint will be acknowledged by phone within 2 working days. Your contact Distribe Limited will aim to reach an amicable resolution with you in a collaborative, co-operative spirit.

Stage 2

If such a resolution is not possible and you feel your complaint has not been satisfactorily resolved please either send an email to or post a letter to Office Manager, Distribe Limited, Lasyard House, Underhill Street, Bridgnorth, Shropshire, WV16 4BB

Please detail your name, nature of the complaint and delivery note / invoice number if applicable.

You should do this within one month of the action that gave rise to your complaint and we will endeavour to acknowledge your complaint within 5 working days and seek to reach an amicable resolution with you in a collaborative, co-operative spirit.

We will respond to you in writing by letter or by email. We aim to resolve all disputes in a maximum of 28 days, often sooner.

Stage 3

If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your complaint, you are entitled to pursue alternative dispute resolution by referring your complaint to the British Healthcare Trade Association with an address at BHTA, Suite 4,6, 4th Floor, The Loom, 14 Gower's Walk, London, E1 8PY. Telephone number 0207 702 2141 Email address is




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